Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Crazy Heart Review

Director: Scott Cooper Screenplay: Scott Cooper, based on the novel by Thomas Cobb Cast: Jeff Bridges, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Colin Farrell, Robert Duvall Time: 112min Age Restriction: 13SL


Summary Review:
Crazy Heart is a melancholic country film of a defeated man's slow climb out of despair. 

Bad Blake (Jeff Bridges) is a 57-year-old has-been, deadbeat country singer who spends his days smoking, boozing and watching porn, so that when he goes out to play a gig in the local pub/bar he's too drunk to put on a decent show.

But you realise he wasn't always like this. Once a bestselling, sought-after country and western star, a series of disappointments and losses have now left him bitter.

Then Bad meets Jean (Maggie Gyllenhaal), a young reporter with a son and he falls in love, which inspires him to turn his life around.

Filled with toe-tapping, bluesy country music, Crazy Heart speaks of the need for human affirmation and support to overcome personal struggles.

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